Selected NeuWrite Columbia Members’ Work
May 2018: Jaime Green, "How we imagine aliens" (Medium)
May 2018: Alexandra Sacks, "Reframing ‘Mommy Brain’" (New York Times)
May 2018: Stephanie Wykstra, "Out of the armchair: A growing number of philosophers are conducting experiments to test their arguments. Is this the future for philosophy?" (Aeon)
February 2018: Michele Lent Hirsch "Invisible: How Young Women with Serious Health Issues Navigate Work, Relationships, and the Pressure to Seem Just Fine" (Beacon Press)
February 2018: Meehan Crist and Tim Requarth "Forensic Science Put Jimmy Genrich in Prison for 24 Years. What if It Wasn’t Science?" (The Nation)
October 2017: Hannah Furfaro, "DeVos-Backed Neurofeedback Company Has Escaped Government Scrutiny" (Slate)
October 2017: Paula Croxson, "Can Science Find a Cure for Hangovers?" (Nerd Nite)
September 2017: Meehan Crist, "10 Thoughts on Traces" (Tin House)
July 2017: Meehan Crist, "Who Knows? On The Voynich Manuscript edited by Raymond Clemens" (The London Review of Books)
June 2017: Meehan Crist, "Methods" (Tin House)
May 2017: Peter Andrey Smith, "Neurofeedback Could Fight Depression--Or Just Empty Your Wallet" (Bloomberg)
May 2017: Maryam Zaringhalam, "Thanks to Genetic Testing, Everyone Could Soon Have a Pre-Existing Condition" (Slate)
May 2017: Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are (Dey Street Books)
April 2017: Tim Requarth, "Scientists, Stop Thinking Explaining Science Will Fix Things" (Slate)
April 2017: Tim Requarth, "A California Court for Young Adults Calls on Science" (The New York Times)
April 2017: Anne Pycha, “New Simpler Parkinson’s Tests Probe Walking, Talking, Typing.” (Scientific American)
February 2017: Hannah Furfaro, "For Children Who Have Suffered Strokes, a Promising New Therapy Emerges" (The Wall Street Journal)
February 2017: Meehan Crist, "How the New Climate Denial Is Like the Old Climate Denial" (The Atlantic)
February 2017: Carl Erik Fisher, "Against Willpower" (Nautilus)
December 2016: Rebecca Brachman, "Deadly Mistake" (The Story Collider)
December 2016: Ben Ehrlich, "The Dreams of Santiago Ramón y Cajal" (Oxford University Press)
December 2016: Meehan Crist, "Review: Exploring the origins of consciousness, cephalopod and human, with Peter Godfrey-Smith in "Other Minds"" (Los Angeles Times)
September 2016 Paula Croxson, "How Cold is Too Cold?" (The Story Collider)
September 2016: Rebecca Brachman, "Could a Drug Prevent Depression and PTSD?" (TEDx New York)
September 2016: Anne Pycha, ‘“R” is for Red: Common Words Share Similar Sounds in Many Languages.’ (Scientific American)
September 2016 Anne Pycha, “An Auditory Component to Autism.” (Scientific American)
July 2016: Danielle Sedbrook, "Must the Molecules of Life Always be Left-Handed or Right-Handed?" (Smithsonian Magazine)
July 2016: Brendan Borrell, "The bicycle problem that nearly broke mathematics" (Nature)
June 2016: Maryam Zaringhalam, "Failure in Science Is Frequent and Inevitable--and We Should Talk More about It" (Scientific American)
June 2016: Marin Sardy, "Nix" (The Rumpus)
May 2016: Joanna Ebenstein, "The Anatomical Venus: Wax, God, Death & the Ecstatic" (Distributed Art Publishers)
April 2016: Tim Requarth, "Neuroscience is Changing the Debate Over What Role Age Should Play in the Courts" (Newsweek)
April 2016: Meehan Crist, "What's Behind Slovenia's Love Affair with a Salamander?" (
April 2016: Kate Daloz, " We Are As Gods: Back to the Land in the 1970s on the Quest for a New America" (PublicAffairs)
April 2016: Abby Rabinowitz, "The Surrogacy Cycle" (The Virginia Quarterly Review)
April 2016: Ben Nabors, "The Happy Film" (TriBeca Film Festival)
March 2016: Meehan Crist, "The Quest to Save Coral Reefs" (The Atlantic)
February 2016: Anne Pycha, “Language Could Diagnose Parkinson’s, ALS and Schizophrenia before Lab Tests.” (Scientific American)
January 2016: Peter Andrey Smith, "The Living Dead" (New York Times Magazine)
January 2016: Tim Requarth, "Our chemical Eden" (Aeon)
January 2016: Stuart Firestein, "Fundamentally Newsworthy" (
January 2016: Diana Reiss, "Send In The Drones" (
December 2015: Taylor Beck, "Love on Lithium: What happened when I told my girlfriend that I have bipolar disorder" (The Washington Post)
December 2015: Taylor Beck, "A Vaccine for Depression? Ketamine's remarkable effect bolsters a new theory of mental illness." (Nautilus)
November 2015: Anne Pycha, “How to Rhyme Like a Rapper.” (Scientific American Mind)
November 2015: Anne Pycha, “Does an “M” Sound Round to You?” (Scientific American Mind)
October 2015: Stuart Firestein, "Failure: Why Science Is So Successful" (Oxford University Press)
August 2015: Ben Ehrlich, "The Lost Dream Journal of the Man Who Discovered Neurons" (Nautilus)
June 2015: Peter Andrey Smith, "Can the Bacteria in Your Gut Explain Your Mood?" (New York Times Magazine)
May 2015: Ben Lillie, "Science Needs a New Ritual" (Slate)
April 2015: Tim Requarth, "Big Problem With 'Big Science' Ventures--Like the Human Brain Project" (Nautilus)
March 2015: Anna North, "The Problem With Egg Freezing" (The New York Times)
March 2015: Abby Rabinowitz, "Why Egg Freezing Is an Impossible Choice" (Nautilus)
January 2015: Meehan Crist, "'The Man Who Couldn't Stop' a rich, reasonable look at OCD" (The Los Angeles Times)
December 2014: Allison P. Davis, Armen Enikolopov, Matthew Giles, Clint Rainey, Alexa Tsoulis-Reay, Mary Jane Weedman & Alex Yablon, "Your Grandmother's Guide to Pot" (New York Magazine)
November 2014: Michele Lent Hirsch, "What Quarantine Feels Like: The experience of needing medical care while endangering the ones who give it" (The Atlantic)
October 2014: Ferris Jabr, "Fruits and Vegetables Are About to Enter a Flavor Renaissance" (Pacific Standard)
October 2014: Jaime Green, "Gamma Ray Bursts vs. All Life on Earth" (Astrobites)
October 2014: Ferris Jabr, "Actually, People Still Like to Think" (
October 2014: Ferris Jabr, " The Body Electric" (Outside)
October 2014: Leora Fox, " Melatonin alterations in Huntington's disease help explain trouble with sleep" (HDBuzz)
October 2014: Starre Vartan, "Killing Your Husband to Save Yourself" (Pacific Standard)
October 2014: Alexis Gambis, "The Fly Room"
September 2014: Ferris Jabr, "An Orangutan Learns to Fish" (
September 2014: Starre Vartan, "Technology Unlocks the Mysteries of Bird Flight" (Scientific American)
August 2014: Meehan Crist, "Postcards From the Edge of Consciousness" (Nautilus)
July 2014: Jaime Green, "The Habitable Zone of Inhabited Planets" (
June 2014: Ferris Jabr, "How Does a Chicken Tell Time?" (
June 2014: Laurel Braitman, "Animal Madness: How Anxious Dogs, Compulsive Parrots, and Elephants in Recovery Help Us Understand Ourselves" (Simon & Schuster)
May 2014: Jaime Green, "9 Things You Should Know About The Internet And Your Brain" (
May 2014: Jaime Green, "How Weird Is Our Solar System?" (
May 2014: Ben Ehrlich, "On Santiago Ramon y Cajal's 162nd Birthday" (NYAM Blog)
May 2014: Abigail Rabinowitz, "Surrogate storytelling" (The Story Collider)
April 2014: Meehan Crist, "Leslie Jamison Connects with The Empathy Exams" (The Los Angeles Times)
March 2014: Ferris Jabr, " Why Nothing Is Truly Alive" (The New York Times)
February 2014: Meehan Crist, "Diana Reiss interviewed by Meehan Crist" (The Believer)
February 2014: Leora Fox, "Yeast studies suggest a new way to protect cells from "oxidative damage"" (HDBuzz)
January 2014: Meehan Crist, "Amnesia makes David Stuart MacLean a "Riddle" he must solve" (The Los Angeles Times)
January 2014: Ben Lillie, "Passions and Protons" (The Moth)
December 2013: Carl Erik Fisher, "Psychiatrists Embrace Deep-Brain Stimulation" (Scientific American)
September 2013: Noah Hutton and Leah Kelly, "Where Lines Are Drawn" (Science Magazine)
July 2013: Grace Lindsay, "'I Don't Know If I'm a Scientist': The Problem with Archetypes" (
July 2013: Meehan Crist, "Falling Into the Fire: A piercing portrait of psychiatry" (Los Angeles Times)
July 2013: Elliot Aguilar, "Selling Roots" (The New Inquiry)
June 2013: Tim Requarth & Meehan Crist, "From the Mouths of Babes and Birds" (The New York Times)
June 2013: Meehan Crist, "Recall of the Wild" (The New York Times Book Review)
June 2013: Kim Tingley, "The Suicide Detective" (The New York Times Magazine)
June 2013: Diana Reiss, "LQ Podcast 39: Animal Minds" (Lapham's Quarterly Podcast)
April 2013: Aniruddha Das, "Mapping the last frontier" (The Columbia Spectator)
March 2013: Paula Croxson, "When your grandmother forgets who you are" (The Story Collider)
March 2013: Tim Requarth, "Bringing a Virtual Brain to Life" (The New York Times)
January 2013: Ben Nabors, "Palimpsest, World Premiere" (Sundance Film Festival; Winner of Special Jury Prize)
January 2013: Meehan Crist, "True Story: Remembering my Mother Forgetting" (Studio 360)
December 2012: Carl Erik Fisher, "New-Wave Neurosurgery" (WIRED UK)
December 2012: Sandra Upson and Lauren F. Friedman, "Where are All the Female Geniuses?" (Scientific American)
November 2012: Susannah Cahalan, "Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness" (Free Press)
November 2012: Ferris Jabr, "BlueBrain: "Noah Hutton's 10-Year Documentary about the Mission to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain"" (Scientific American)
October 2012: Stuart Firestein, "Roots of Origin" (Science Magazine)
October 2012: Meehan Crist and Tim Requarth, "Why IQs Rise" (The New Republic)
October 2012: Meehan Crist, "The New Wounded by Catherine Malabou" (Bookforum)
October 2012: Ferris Jabr, "LSD May Cure Some Addicts" (Scientific American Mind)
June 2012: Jaime Green, "Can the wonders of the universe fit on an iPad?" (Download the Universe)
May 2012: Meehan Crist, "Old and New Neurons Trade Roles to Aid Memory" (Scientific American)
May 2012: Benjamin Ehrlich, "Santiago Ramón y Cajal: Café Chats" (New England Review)
May 2012: Lauren Friedman, "First Words" (Katachi Magazine)
April 2012: Stuart Firestein, "Ignorance: How It Drives Science" (Oxford University Press)
April 2012: Casey Schwartz, "Stuart Firestein, Author of 'Ignorance,' Says Not Knowing Is the Key to Science" (The Daily Beast)
April 2012: Casey Schwartz, "Neuro Smackdown: Scientists Debate How to Solve the Mystery of the Brain" (The Daily Beast)
April 2012: Rachel Riederer, "Rockstars of neuroscience (and their fans) turn out to debate the future of brain studies" (Capital New York)
April 2012: Pat Walters, "Gutless" (Radiolab)
April 2012: Neuwrite, "Does the Brain's Wiring Make Us Who We Are: A Debate Between Tony Movshon and Sebastian Seung"
April 2012: Anne Pycha, "Fast Talkers: Some languages sound faster than others, but most convey information at the same rate" (Scientific American)
March 2012: Stuart Firestein, "What Science Wants to Know: An impenetrable mountain of facts can obscure the deeper questions" (Scientific American)
March 2012: Tim Requarth & Meehan Crist, "It's All in Your Head: The Problems With Jonah Lehrer's Imagine" (The Millions)
March 2012: Kim Tingley, "Whisper of the Wild" (New York Times Magazine)
February 2012: Carl Schoonover, "How to look inside the brain" (TED)
January 2012: Anne Pycha, "Social Clicks: Sounds Associated with African Languages Are Common in English" (Scientific American)
January 2012: Lauren Friedman, "Unusual Flavors Can Dampen Immune Response" (Scientific American Mind)
November 2011: Tim Requarth & Greg Wayne, "A Circuit in Every Cell: Progress for tiny biocomputers" (Scientific American)
November 2011: Stuart Firestein, "Giving Up on Math and Science Careers (LetEd)" (The New York Times)
October 2011: Pat Walters, "Slow" (Radiolab)
September 2011: Cat Bohannon, "Between Two Poles" (Science Magazine)
September 2011: Diana Reiss, "The Dolphin in the Mirror: Exploring Dolphin Minds and Saving Dolphin Lives" (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
September 2011: Greg Wayne & Alex Pasternack, "Canny Minds and Uncanny Questions" (Science Magazine)
September 2011: Tim Requarth, "One Brainy Fish" (Scientific American)
August 2011: Greg Wayne, "A Short History of Long-Term Thinking, for Our 50,000 Year Time Capsule" (Motherboard)
August 2011: Lauren Friedman, "Rabble With a Cause" (Scientific American)
August 2011: Tim Requarth, "Mental Illness in a Dish" (Scientific American)
July 2011: József Mészáros, "Achieving Peace of Mind: The Benefits of Neurobiology Evidence for Battered Women Defendants" (Yale Journal of Law & Feminism)
June 2011: Molly Birnbaum, "Season to Taste: How I Lost My Sense of Smell and Found My Way" (Ecco/HarperCollins)
May 2011: Tim Requarth, "Mind Control: David Eagleman's Incognito" (The Millions)
May 2011: Rachel Aviv, "God Knows Where I Am" (The New Yorker)
May 2011: Tim Requarth & Meehan Crist, "How Brains Bounce Back from Physical Damage" (Scientific American)
May 2011: Carl Schoonover & Abby Rabinowitz, "Control Desk for the Neural Switchboard" (The New York Times)
May 2011: Tim Requarth & Meehan Crist, "Arts and the Dreaming Mind" (Science Magazine)
April 2011: Rachel Riederer, "In Next Round of Budget Negotiation, Big Cuts for Health Research Coming" (The Nation)
March 2011: Carl Schoonover, "Signals In a Storm" (Scientific American)
March 2011: Neuwrite, "Braintrust: A Public Conversation About Morality and the Brain"
June 2010: Stuart Firestein, "Better Reception in Europe?" (Science Magazine)
Spring 2010: Rachel Riederer, "Patient" (The Missouri Review)
December 2010: Abigail Rabinowitz & Carl Schoonover, "A Natural History of the Brain" (Science Magazine)
December 2010: Rachel Aviv, "Which Way Madness Lies: Can psychosis be prevented" (Harper's Magazine)
November 2010: Meehan Crist, Book review: "The Mind's Eye" by Oliver Sacks (Los Angeles Times)
November 2010: Carl Schoonover, "Portraits of the Mind: Visualizing the Brain from Antiquity to the 21st Century" (Abrams Books)
January 2010: Stuart Firestein, "Scientific Tide on New Wave Stages?" (Science Magazine)
December 2009: Kate Daloz, "A Call to Arms (and Legs)" (Lapham's Quarterly)
December 2009: Cat Bohannon, Anthony DeConstanzo, Tim Requarth, et al., "Science Goes Hollywood" (Science Magazine)
October 2009: Meehan Crist, "Dissection" (Lapham's Quarterly)
August 2009: Rachel Riederer, "Is Your Brain Making You Google?" (The Faster Times)
July 2009: Harvest Henderson, "When it Comes to Food, Pickiness is in the Genes" (The Faster Times)
Spring 2009: Kate Daloz, "The Dowser Dilemma" (The American Scholar)
May 2009: Carl Schoonover, "How to Listen to One Brain Cell at a Time" (LiveScience)
March 2009: Noah Hutton, "Bluebrain"
November 2008: Carl Schoonover & Greg Wayne, "Neuroskeptics (LetEd)" (The Atlantic Monthly)
April 2008: Thania Benios, "At the Edge of Life's Code" (Scientific American)